Fungal Nail Treatment

Fungal nail infection is also known as onychomycosis, this is the presence of a fungal infection in one or both of the feet. It is recommended that all the toes on the foot is treated as this condition is highly contagious.

Consultation and patch test at least 48 hours before. It is advised that a swab test is obtained from your GP to confirm it is fungal nail.

On the day of your treatment, you will be taken into our laser room and made comfortable. Your practitioner will talk you through the treatment and will be able to answer any questions you may have.

The treatment area will be sanitised and cleansed. You will be given a pair of protective glasses that will protect your eyes from the laser handset.

Your practitioner will also put on protective glasses and begin the treatment. The laser will be glided over the surface of the nail and the surrounding skin, there will be a snapping noise but don’t be alarmed this is the laser increasing the heat in the nail and doing its job.

The heat in the toenail will build and kill the fungal infection, this shouldn’t become uncomfortable and can be cooled by an icepack in the unlikely event it is needed.

Onychomycosis therapy follow-up treatments should be spaced 4-5 weeks apart, allowing the treated area to settle and new nail growth exposing the health nail.

Having only 1 treatment may not completely destroy the presence of the fungal pathogen, so 2-3 treatments are advised at a minimum.


All treatments will require a phone consultation before booking your first session. Please chose the phone consultation option, leave your name and number along with the specified treatment. We will call you to discuss the treatment needs.