Carbon Facial

What is a Carbon Facial?

A carbon facial starts with a face mask of special charcoal paste, which sinks into all the fine lines of the skin. A laser is then used to remove the charcoal paste, which takes dead cells with it, exfoliating the skin. The laser also penetrates the dermal layers to stimulate the natural production of collagen. Carbon facial treatments deliver an immediate fresh glow to the skin, and reduce fine lines, wrinkles and blemishes over a course of treatments.

Who is suitable for the treatment?

All skin types and skin conditions will be different. A thorough skin analysis, skin scan and consultation will allow us to determine the right advanced facial for you


This treatment will require a consultation and a patch test before your first session. Please choose the Face to Face consultation option, on booking there will be a short form to complete. If we need any further information we will be in touch.

How does it feel?

During the procedure you may experience slight tingling and warmth on the skin whilst our laser zaps away the thin layer of carbon.

How many sessions are required?

Results are accumulative, each carbon facial treatment builds upon the previous one. Once the regeneration of cell turnover is started, the best way to keep making improvement to the skin is to commit to a course of treatments.

We recommend 3-6 treatments over a period of 2-3 months with a booster treatment every six months for the best results.

Is it permanent?

Booster treatments will be needed every six months for the best results.